FirstLook: Caavo Control Center
Caavo is back no more than 8 months later. They took all their feedback to heart and released a follow-up in the form of "Caavo Control Center." Merging all the smarts of the original meshing it with new features like HDR at a price point that should have Harmony shaking in their boots.

Quicktip: Force Restart iPhone 7
The Apple iPhone 7’s has done away with the mechanical home button, for the new solid-state haptic experience. As a result, there’s a new way to force restart the device.

California bill would require ‘back door’ access to encrypted phones
People could argue even if it saves one life, it’s worth it. If you really think about how much sensitive information we store on our phones, everything from contacts, credit cards to health data. Would we all be safe if that gets out? Were not talking about identity theft, that would be the least of the problems. How about people on witness protection, or celebrities with orders of protection to Financial records of millionaires with contact info of their children.

Still on the wall on an Apple Watch? Let us help
Six months after the watch release and you're still on the wall about it, So were we. My wife and I were in that exact position not too long ago. Let me shed some light on the good, bad and slow while helping you determine if it’s the right fit and time or if you should just hold off.

Meet Crystal and say goodbye to ads in iOS9
A side effect of an

I'm going to have to science the shit out of this
Imagine for a moment you were stranded alone on Mars with hardly any food, oxygen, water and a limited supply of space technology and duct tape, what would you need to do to survive?
"I'm going to have to science the shit out of this," is Mark Watney’s response when confronted by yet more attempts by the Red Planet to kill him.

IPhone upgrade Program, another market disrupted.
Apple’s at it again likely to disrupt another market with it’s interest free iPhone Upgrade Program, or at the very least make the market stand up and rethink their business plan

"More than a key logger" Windows 10
Microsoft has the power to track every single word you type or say to its digital assistant.
Last fall, it was reported that Windows 10 Technical Preview may collect voice information as well as typed characters. The assumption here is they were just collecting data for development testing purposes. But, we couldn’t be more wrong.

Vaping what you need to know
Vaping is the action of the inhale and exhale of vapor produced by an electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette evolved due to tobacco or more specifically nicotine addiction, with the intention to be another tool in one's arsenal to kick these addictions.

Come Sept 13th Apple will be loosening up it's reins.
Best Buy will begin offering AppleCare and AppleCare+ extended protection plans for the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and other eligible Apple products across its U.S. Stores starting according to an internal training video obtained by MacRumors.

Quicklook: New iCloud Restore options
Apple has just given us the ability to restore recently deleted

OSX Tip: Add recently used application to your Dock
I recently came across a useful tip that I wanted to share by Peter Cohen, the managing editor at iMore. This tip has helped me cut down the number of apps in my doc, by creating a folder with my most recently used applications. Head over to iMore for the original article or drop inside and find out just how it works.

How was your favorite company rated?
It’s that time of year again The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s (EFF) has released its annual report card, Showing how our favorite companies stack in relation to government requests of private data.

SwipeToMeet: How much time can it save you
We all know some time scheduling meetings can be more work than the actual meetings them selves. Meetin.gs has been leading the way with it’s intuitive scheduling service for professionals.
With their latest launch of SwipteToMeet app they aim to simplify scheduling for everyone. Whether it’s about business or just trying to arrange a dinner with friends, SwipeToMeet make it simple to find a suitable time for a group of people. Instead of wasting days scheduling, a suitable time can be found within minutes.

Mr. Robot: A hacker show done right
Does Mr. Robot feel like most hacker / computer based TV Shows? Find out inside if their just another tv show throwing terms around or finally one which employes the right networking and programing terminologies in right situations.

FirstLook: Sensei Wireless gaming mouse
Steelseries is a cross platform peripheral company built by gamers for gamers. They claim to have solved wireless lag and dying batteries with their Sensei Wireless gaming mouse. With an accuracy of 1ms polling rate with readings of 150 inches per second and over 8200 CPI and a new style of charging dock keep you topped off and ready for your next gaming session. Does Steelseries meet these claims? Find out inside

Mac Tip: Find your screen resolution, through a command line
Most Mac users will jump right to there Displays system preference panel to find their resolution. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s quick and easy, and for the most part, it’s how I find it myself. However, it does require a graphical interface and because of this it’s not very helpful for scripting or remote management through SSH connections. In these cases you may want to use a command line.

Tip: Remove bad SSH Key with an easy command
Ok, so most of us have run in the dreaded Remote host identification has changed warning before. Which in turn makes us dig through our known_host file and delete that remote key entry. Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to even touch that file? Hit up the link for a quick command saving you some time and removes that bad entry.

FirstLook: Alfa Genius by RockJaw
Join us for our first look at the ALPHA GENUS. One of the latest In ear monitors from a company who believes foundations are made from quality materials and refined by real people..

Update Java the safe way on OSX
We all know we shouldn’t click on links we don’t know, especially with so many phishing scams out there. Flash and Java updates have become one of the biggest forms of this. Many sites will prompt to update from a link.
So be safe and ONLY update Java and flash from your system preferences and never from a random popup asking you to update.
Follow these steps to update Java