Tips: Bento Database - WickedEdge
I recently acquired a WickedEdge sharpening system. This system is awesome for anyone who wants to get great edges on their knifes. This system enables you to hone in on pretty much any specific angle you want. Along with the tools to replicate that angle over and over reducing the amount of wear on your knife and giving a great polish if you desire.

Install: Ubuntu, Node.js, Git and Ghost
Their seems to be a bit of confusion amongst the Ghost community on how to install Ghosts first weekly update. I am not a developer or part of the Ghost team however I have backed Ghost as a VIP. I figured I could shed some light on how to go about this install. This walk through is intend for other Ghost VIP or higher backers. I will walk through the installation of a Ubuntu server 13.04 server as well as Node.js and Ghost and other recommended and suggested packages.

QuickTip: Notable change to iOS7 Camrea app
A notable change to how you take pictures in iOS7.

QuickTip: Clean up duplicate entries in Moutian Lion's "Open with" Menu
Have you been annoyed by duplicate entries in Mountain Lion's "Open with" Menu? Join us for a quick tip, taking back control of your "Open with" menu.

QuickTip: Enable tabbing in OSX dialogs
Have you ever wished you can navigate OSX dialog boxes like you can on a PC, By TABBING? With this quick tweak of you Keyboard preferences we will having back to navigating dialogs with your keyboard like a pro. Follow these steps

quickTip: Enabling FTP on Mountain Lion
If your running Mountain Lion you may have noticed the missing FTP sharing options. Don't worry, FTP server is still there, even if it is a client installation and not a Server install.

Health Apps:Â Give yourself reasons why you can
Find something that works for you and enjoy doing. The key here is to keep at it regularly until it becomes a habit. It's much eaiser when it's something you look forward to doing.

Tip: Ask Siri for a Spotify Artist link
Let's say your driving listening to Spotify and all of a sudden you have a sudden desire to listen to a specific artist. This might not be the perfect solution but a nice option until some real integration is available. Spotify has a not so secret phone number which has an automatically response to a text with a Spotify link.

Tip: Use Dictation to Search on Apple TV
Using the remote that come's with the apple tv is cumbersome since their is no keyboard. Most people who have Apple Tv's also have an iOS device as well and most have or at the very least heard of Apple application called "Remote" which lets you use your iOS device as a remote for the Apple Tv.

VPN Protocols: Introduction and Security
Protecting your personal information is not the only concern one should have. Their are many other threats out their like viruses, malwares, trojans, spam etc, which will infiltrate your computer system if you are not careful. There are also dishonest people who hack and phish your information when your online. Protecting your online identity is so important that it becomes a job of its own.

Tips: Sharing Photo's with Apple's PhotoStream
The holidays are coming fast, with it brings many precious memories.
With Instagram's change to it's terms of service many people will be rethinking how they share their memories. I thought I would share how my family and I share our memories and suggest another alternative which we use exclusivly.

Tips: Solve complicated Math problem with Soulver
Soulver is an awesome calculator app that lets you write out your math problem with words, list, and other real language to get a real, useful answer without confusing equations.

Tip: Enable Spotify’s web player right now
Spotify is currently rolling out there first web based player.

Tip: Recover lost Playlist on Spotify
my Spotify account was hacked. After 96hours of back and forth with Spotify I finally got back my account all my playlists were gone. What I figured out was that your playlists are stored locally. Follow the steps bellow to retrieve your playlists.

Tip: Verify your AppleCare+
a quick tip you can go online and check the stats of your applecare+. Follow the steps below.

Tips: Track your iPhone 5 with out a UPS tracking number
So you got your Pre-Order in and your apple status still says prepariing to ship. Well your in luck with this tip you can start tracking via UPS.. Fist go here UPS

Tip: Get your iPhone Pre-Orders in
Apple's website store is still down 27minutes past the hour. However there is another way to get your pre-order in.

Tips: How many apps are you using?
How many are do you have installed. Here is a quick tip to find out...

Tips: Siri dictation
Did you know you can do things like dictate :) emotes? Look over this list of dictation commands you just may learn something new.

Review: Terms of Service Didn't Read
In june a new service popped up called Terms of Service Didn't Read. It's mission is to help you navigate the legal TOS mambo jumbo