Wall Mounted VM box and Router Part:1

Ok i have to give props to Hak5 for this. I wanted to get all my VM's on my laptop and desktops gone so building a box just for this seemed like a good idea. Why waste the space. Also seeing that my home office is running out of room mounting the box's to the wall sounded like a good idea.

So what i came up with is.

Ubuntu box running VMbox with phpVM Small Atom PC to be used as a router this will take the job away from uverse gateway finally. Next but not least is an Aluminum Brushed Pegboard which i will use to mount everything.

Thomas Fraley
I am a tech enthusiast whose main focus is making technology easy again for everyone. Educated with degrees in network engineering and project management. I've worked in the entertainment industry for a decade as a director of information technology for global companies pioneering the way. A few years ago I decided to give back and have been helping young entrepreneur startups off on the right foot.

Wall Mounted VM box and Router Part:2


Project: Whiteboard wall with IdeaPaint