Tip: Swap Command and Control Keys

In order to swap the Command and Control keys on Macs that are running a Linux operating system, place the following lines in a file named .Xmodmap in your home directory:

remove Mod4 = Super_L
remove Control = Control_L
keysym Control_L = Super_L
keysym Super_L = Control_L
add Mod4 = Super_L
add Control = Control_L

Simply logout and log back in to activate the changes. If you do not wish to log out, you can activate the changes by typing the following command in a terminal:

xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
Thomas Fraley
I am a tech enthusiast whose main focus is making technology easy again for everyone. Educated with degrees in network engineering and project management. I've worked in the entertainment industry for a decade as a director of information technology for global companies pioneering the way. A few years ago I decided to give back and have been helping young entrepreneur startups off on the right foot.

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